Dec 23, 2011

Melody or lyrics.

How can you tell if you are listening to a actual good song? Do you go by its melody, and let your self be pushed away by it's compilation of musical notes? As they drive you away for all man-made feelings, and you can actually feel something genuine coming from your self. And not mirroring the artists emotions... Melody is a form art, and communication, but this communication is not meant to be between humans. It goes far more away from that.
Melody completes emotion, gives color and texture to it. Of course that great poets made beautiful work of arts by mixing words and produce emotions trough sentences.

La nostra infinita abnegazione. by Agnes Cecile.

But what happen when you want to express a feeling, or emotion, that you can not put it into words?

Melody takes communication to a hole different level. Upwards to a destination that you decide. Trough all of emotions that you can can name and other that you... can't.

What happen when a melody is greater that the lyrics?
Humans have classical music and pop music -- the two opposite poles of the organization of sounds, both figurative and literal.

Quality? It's relative. I say the melody is and musical notes played are our first approach to music. Lyrics are just a way to label them, and approach all kinds of public to it.

Still... This Modern Love has me.

To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
You've been trying to reach me
You bought me a book
To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
I've been paid
I've been wait
Don't get offended

If I seem absent minded
Just keep telling me facts
And keep making me smile
Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
I get tongue-tied
Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've known never known what's good for me
Baby you've go to be more demandingI will be yours
I'll pay for you, anytime
You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness

Well jump on, enjoy, you can gorge away
You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness
Baby, you've got to be more discerning

I've known never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
I will be yours
What are you holding out for?

What's always in the way?
Why so damn absent-minded?
Why so scared of romance?
Ah, ah, ah. 

This modern love, breaks me
Ah, ah, ah. 
This modern love, wastes me
Do you wanna come over and kill some time?

Tell me facts, tell me facts, tell me facts
Tell me facts
Throw your arms around me.

Dec 20, 2011

by Train.

To Verona. To Bolzano. To Munchen.
Being alone during this trip did me good. I was able to organize my thoughts. And enjoy every second as I wished, without having any satisfactions to anybody.
I met beautiful people. (Italians really talk with those gestures!)
I've seen beautiful places. (The climax was Soprabolzano!)

Ruela de Verona.

Ponte Pietra.

Silhueta de Verona.


Piaza Erbe.

Janelas e varandas.

Varandas e janelas.

Natal em Verona.

Vista de cima.

Janelas e varandas.

Pôr-do-Sol em Soprabolzano.

Postal de Natal.

Neve, muita neve.


Outro postal de Natal.


Chaminés de Fada.

This was the perfect trip.

Dec 10, 2011

It will be an adventure.

Let's go! It will be an adventure!

No it's not going to be an adventure. It's a mistake!

Okay! Yes, it's a mistake! I know it is a mistake! But there are certain things in life when you know it's a mistake, but you don't really know it's a mistake. Because the only way to know if it's a mistake, it's to make the mistake, and then look back and say "Yes, that was a mistake". So the bigger mistake would be not make the mistake. Because then you would go all of your life not really knowing if something was a mistake or not. And, dammit, I've made no mistakes. Mistake free! Does any of this makes sense to you?

...I don't know, you said "mistake" a lot.

Dec 6, 2011

"Will Go" list.

Can you see this? Isn't it beautiful?

I will go.
Counting down now.

Pass by.

Dec 4, 2011

by David Suzuki.

We have to recognize that our world is shaped by such factors as gravity, entropy, the speed of light, the first and second laws of Thermodynamics. They are forces of nature and impose limitations on the ways that we can live. Another is the biosphere. The sole of Air, Water and Land that is the source of all we need to survive and flourish. So protect it's health has to be our highest priority.
Other tings like capitalism, free enterprise, economy, currency, the market, these are not forces of nature. We invented them! If they are not working, then we have got to change them. Yet we act if they are somehow immutable, and we have to bound down and do everything to service them.
You know it's really weird, that a few centuries ago, people believed in dragons, daemons and monsters. We really believed in! And if we thought they were pissed off at us, man we would do everything, give them jewels, gold, sacrifice virgins, we would do everything to appease those things. Well, today we know they are not real, they were figures of our imagination. And what do we do? We go and replaced them with another figure of our imagination, called the Economy. And we bound before them the way we did to dragons and daemons.

Our hope, the biosphere, it's finite and fixed. It can't grow. And if the Economy is a part of and dependent of the Biosphere, the attempt of maintain endless growth, is an impossibility. Let me show you why.
Steady growth over time, whether it's the amount of garbage you make, the size of your city, the population of the world, anything that's grows steadily is called Exponential Growth. And anything growing exponentially has a predictable doubling time. I am going to give you a System Analyses of the planet. It's a test tube, full of food for bacteria. So the test tube and food is the planet, and the  bacteria are us. I'm going to add one bacterial cell to the test tube, and to will begin to divide every minute. That's Exponential Growth. So at the beginning there is one cell. One minute there are two. Two minutes there are four. Three minutes there are eight. And at sixty minutes the test tube is completely packed with bacteria and there is no food left. So we have a 60min Growth cycle. hen is the tube half full? And of course the answer is at 59min. At 59min, it's half full, but one minute later is completely full. So at 58min, it's 25% full. At 57min it's 12,5% full. At 55min of the cycle, it's 3% full.
So let's suppose, that at 55min, one of the bacterias goes «Hey guys! I have been thinking. We have got a population problem!», and them other bacteria would say «Jack! What the heck have you been smoking?! 97% of the tube is empty and we have been around for 55min!». They are 5min away of filling. So bacteria are no smarter than people. At 59min they would go «Oh my God! Jack is right, we have got on minute left. What are we going to do now? Better we give that money to those scientists, they could pull us out of this!». But the world for the bacterias is the test tube and food. How can they possibly add more food and space to that world? They can't. They can no more add food or space as we can add Air, Water, Soil or Biodiversity to the Biosphere.
This is not speculation or hypothesis. It is straight mathematical certainty. And every scientist I have talked to, agrees with me «We have already past the 59th minute».
So all the demands for relentless growth is a call to accelerate down what is a suicidal path. And by focusing on "Growth! Growth!", we failed to ask the important questions, like «How much is enough?» «Are there no limits?», «Are we happier with all this stuff?», «What is economy for?».
We never ask those questions...

in The Legacy lecture, Vancouver, Canada -- December 2009.