Dec 23, 2011

Melody or lyrics.

How can you tell if you are listening to a actual good song? Do you go by its melody, and let your self be pushed away by it's compilation of musical notes? As they drive you away for all man-made feelings, and you can actually feel something genuine coming from your self. And not mirroring the artists emotions... Melody is a form art, and communication, but this communication is not meant to be between humans. It goes far more away from that.
Melody completes emotion, gives color and texture to it. Of course that great poets made beautiful work of arts by mixing words and produce emotions trough sentences.

La nostra infinita abnegazione. by Agnes Cecile.

But what happen when you want to express a feeling, or emotion, that you can not put it into words?

Melody takes communication to a hole different level. Upwards to a destination that you decide. Trough all of emotions that you can can name and other that you... can't.

What happen when a melody is greater that the lyrics?
Humans have classical music and pop music -- the two opposite poles of the organization of sounds, both figurative and literal.

Quality? It's relative. I say the melody is and musical notes played are our first approach to music. Lyrics are just a way to label them, and approach all kinds of public to it.

Still... This Modern Love has me.

To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
You've been trying to reach me
You bought me a book
To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
I've been paid
I've been wait
Don't get offended

If I seem absent minded
Just keep telling me facts
And keep making me smile
Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
I get tongue-tied
Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've known never known what's good for me
Baby you've go to be more demandingI will be yours
I'll pay for you, anytime
You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness

Well jump on, enjoy, you can gorge away
You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness
Baby, you've got to be more discerning

I've known never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
I will be yours
What are you holding out for?

What's always in the way?
Why so damn absent-minded?
Why so scared of romance?
Ah, ah, ah. 

This modern love, breaks me
Ah, ah, ah. 
This modern love, wastes me
Do you wanna come over and kill some time?

Tell me facts, tell me facts, tell me facts
Tell me facts
Throw your arms around me.

Dec 20, 2011

by Train.

To Verona. To Bolzano. To Munchen.
Being alone during this trip did me good. I was able to organize my thoughts. And enjoy every second as I wished, without having any satisfactions to anybody.
I met beautiful people. (Italians really talk with those gestures!)
I've seen beautiful places. (The climax was Soprabolzano!)

Ruela de Verona.

Ponte Pietra.

Silhueta de Verona.


Piaza Erbe.

Janelas e varandas.

Varandas e janelas.

Natal em Verona.

Vista de cima.

Janelas e varandas.

Pôr-do-Sol em Soprabolzano.

Postal de Natal.

Neve, muita neve.


Outro postal de Natal.


Chaminés de Fada.

This was the perfect trip.

Dec 10, 2011

It will be an adventure.

Let's go! It will be an adventure!

No it's not going to be an adventure. It's a mistake!

Okay! Yes, it's a mistake! I know it is a mistake! But there are certain things in life when you know it's a mistake, but you don't really know it's a mistake. Because the only way to know if it's a mistake, it's to make the mistake, and then look back and say "Yes, that was a mistake". So the bigger mistake would be not make the mistake. Because then you would go all of your life not really knowing if something was a mistake or not. And, dammit, I've made no mistakes. Mistake free! Does any of this makes sense to you?

...I don't know, you said "mistake" a lot.

Dec 6, 2011

"Will Go" list.

Can you see this? Isn't it beautiful?

I will go.
Counting down now.

Pass by.

Dec 4, 2011

by David Suzuki.

We have to recognize that our world is shaped by such factors as gravity, entropy, the speed of light, the first and second laws of Thermodynamics. They are forces of nature and impose limitations on the ways that we can live. Another is the biosphere. The sole of Air, Water and Land that is the source of all we need to survive and flourish. So protect it's health has to be our highest priority.
Other tings like capitalism, free enterprise, economy, currency, the market, these are not forces of nature. We invented them! If they are not working, then we have got to change them. Yet we act if they are somehow immutable, and we have to bound down and do everything to service them.
You know it's really weird, that a few centuries ago, people believed in dragons, daemons and monsters. We really believed in! And if we thought they were pissed off at us, man we would do everything, give them jewels, gold, sacrifice virgins, we would do everything to appease those things. Well, today we know they are not real, they were figures of our imagination. And what do we do? We go and replaced them with another figure of our imagination, called the Economy. And we bound before them the way we did to dragons and daemons.

Our hope, the biosphere, it's finite and fixed. It can't grow. And if the Economy is a part of and dependent of the Biosphere, the attempt of maintain endless growth, is an impossibility. Let me show you why.
Steady growth over time, whether it's the amount of garbage you make, the size of your city, the population of the world, anything that's grows steadily is called Exponential Growth. And anything growing exponentially has a predictable doubling time. I am going to give you a System Analyses of the planet. It's a test tube, full of food for bacteria. So the test tube and food is the planet, and the  bacteria are us. I'm going to add one bacterial cell to the test tube, and to will begin to divide every minute. That's Exponential Growth. So at the beginning there is one cell. One minute there are two. Two minutes there are four. Three minutes there are eight. And at sixty minutes the test tube is completely packed with bacteria and there is no food left. So we have a 60min Growth cycle. hen is the tube half full? And of course the answer is at 59min. At 59min, it's half full, but one minute later is completely full. So at 58min, it's 25% full. At 57min it's 12,5% full. At 55min of the cycle, it's 3% full.
So let's suppose, that at 55min, one of the bacterias goes «Hey guys! I have been thinking. We have got a population problem!», and them other bacteria would say «Jack! What the heck have you been smoking?! 97% of the tube is empty and we have been around for 55min!». They are 5min away of filling. So bacteria are no smarter than people. At 59min they would go «Oh my God! Jack is right, we have got on minute left. What are we going to do now? Better we give that money to those scientists, they could pull us out of this!». But the world for the bacterias is the test tube and food. How can they possibly add more food and space to that world? They can't. They can no more add food or space as we can add Air, Water, Soil or Biodiversity to the Biosphere.
This is not speculation or hypothesis. It is straight mathematical certainty. And every scientist I have talked to, agrees with me «We have already past the 59th minute».
So all the demands for relentless growth is a call to accelerate down what is a suicidal path. And by focusing on "Growth! Growth!", we failed to ask the important questions, like «How much is enough?» «Are there no limits?», «Are we happier with all this stuff?», «What is economy for?».
We never ask those questions...

in The Legacy lecture, Vancouver, Canada -- December 2009.

Nov 28, 2011

by Carl Safina.

"an individual isn’t as distinct an entity as it seems. No life is an island. We, the living, must be continually plugged into flowing energy and flowing materials. Animals such as we are like bonfires. Stop providing energy and material (food, fluid, and air), and we not only go out, we cease to exist. We’re not like a motor or computer that can be restarted. We’re much more networked, much more fragile, more ephemeral.
The biophysicist Harold Morowitz questions whether individuals are even real, “because they do not exist per se but only as local perturbations in this universal energy flow.” He uses the analogy of a whirlpool in a river. The whirlpool does not exist as a separate entity; rather, it is made of an ever-changing collection of water molecules, facilitated by the energy of moving water. “It exists only because of the flow of water through the stream. If the flow ceases the vortex disappears,” he says. In the same sense, living things like Red-wings and you and me “are transient, unstable entities with constantly changing molecules dependent on a constant flow of energy to maintain form.” You don’t just go with the flow—you live by it. The loss of the inbound flow is death. Death is merely life unplugged.

While an individual is a real entity in some meaningful ways, blurring the edges of our sense of self gives a more accurate picture. We’re less like crisp photographs and more like impressionist paintings. Our material makeup is constantly changing. We are made individuals by our genes— which make us each a bit different—and by our unique actions, memories, and histories. But our histories are largely shared. All the creation myths that intuit a single origin for people are essentially correct. All life is of the same kind: a DNA framework and its consequent window dressing. There is one tree, one family of life, no other.

Albert Einstein went further, saying, “A human being is part of the whole, called by us the ‘Universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison.”

If you still believe you are distinct from your surroundings, try reading the next three pages while holding your breath. The point is: you are not just an entity; you are an interchange.

A living thing is a knot of passing time, flowing material, and continuous energy. From dust, air, and water, energy assembles itself into the wood, leaves, bone, and muscle that we recognize as living. All lives depend on how energy pushes matter through plants and animals. Often the matter, like carbon, nitrogen, and water, cycles from one living thing to the next through the whole community. We are these dynamic processes in relationship to one another. We are a relationship to the world.

Ecology—the term was coined by the German Zoologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866 from the Greek word for household—blurred the individual further. Ecology investigates how all living things depend on other living things, and on that flow of energy and materials. Ecology reveals a world where each individual seed, each creature, is an experiment, testing the waters with its own uniqueness, striving for a fit. But the chances of surviving to adulthood range from under 10 percent—for most mammals and birds with highly developed parental care—to as low as one in millions, for example for big fish that lay immense numbers of eggs.

How can so harsh a world brim with life? The whole thing works because nature preserves not individuals but the enterprise by which life struggles to survive and adapts to changes. In other words, individuals disappear, species disappear; what survives is the process. The living enterprise continues because the process continues. To keep life alive, what’s important is this: preserve the process. Ethics that focus on human interactions, morals that focus on humanity’s relationship to a Creator, fall short of these things we’ve learned. They fail to encompass the big take-home message, so far, of a century and a half of biology and ecology: life is—more than anything else—a process; it creates, and depends on, relationships among energy, land, water, air, time, and various living things. It’s not just about human-to-human interaction; it’s not just about spiritual interaction. It’s about all interac tion. We’re bound with the rest of life in a network, a network including not just all living things but the energy and nonliving matter that flows through the living, making and keeping all of us alive as we make it alive. We can keep debating ideologies and sending entreaties toward heaven. But unless we embrace the fuller reality we’re in—and reality’s implications—we’ll face big problems."

Wrote by Carl Safina in The View from the Lazy Point

Nov 22, 2011

Huge mistake.

What to do when you do a huge mistake? God, it's difficult to even accept you've done it! It's your fault and you know it. There is no one else to blame but you. You apologize and try to make it right. Will it be enough?

So many things happening and you don't know where to start. So many questions you don't know the answer and you don't know which ones to ask. So many doubts in your head and you don't know where your head is anymore.

You go in, out, above and under, through it and beside it and never seems to be the end (new beginning) of it.

What to do when you are alone and everybody is staring at you?
Close your eyes. You breath very deep. You open your eyes. Everything is the same. the same people staring at you with the same look. Expectations are still high, just where they were when you first left them. And you? You still the same. That moment when you dug into yourself with that deep breath, didn't change a thing. Unfortunately, people still stare at you and stare at them back. The atmosphere is breath taking. They are watching every eye blink you do. They are counting every breath you take or every nervous hand squeeze you do. A sweat drop starts falling off your forehead. It burns you and it freezes you with every millimeter it travels all the way near to your cheek. You try to get rid of it, but the crow is watching. They are looking at you and you just stand there. Suddenly, with calm yet as fast as you can, you swipe that drop off your face! And that's when all of those people change the look on their faces. You feel desperate because you can't move anymore. that fast movement took all of your energy, and it blew up everything! Now the people are staring at you with killing eyes, blaming looks, and don't even know the struggle you are into. They don't know anything. They just know your name, and for them, that's all they need. Your name. They will never forget. You have been marked with their idea of who you are. They didn't even let you try. Or maybe they did and you were frozen to death with the crow surrounding you. That's when you realize that you should had moved at the beginning. That you should had act to actually justify all of those looks the people were giving to you. That you should had done something. That you should had walk away. That you should screamed out loud "This is me! Beware!".
All of those ideas that now cross into your mind, should came up sooner. But no. They have a certain time to appear. They are called "What if"'s. They only come when you are down, and desperate, and when you don't see a way out from that whole you just dug.

What if.
What if
What if
What if

This is up to you. This is the moment when you came down to earth from that cloud of yours, where you used to stare at other people to. Just watching and judging. You now start to think what to do next. You don't want to move! You don't even want to breathe! You just want to wake up from that (un)reality and move on! Like nothing ever happened. How to do that? You are completely screwed up, seriously damage from that sweat drop scene, that you don't want to feel nothing ever again.

You want to go back. You want to stay. You want to live. You want to vanish.
Life is this. Life is what you make of it. Life is hard as a diamond and beautiful ans one too.
You want to change. You don't want to stay. You want to find love and passion.

I know where they are. Now please crowd, would you let me go get them?

Nov 20, 2011

by Gia Marie Carangi.

Life and death. Energy and peace. If i stop today it was still worth it. Even the terrible mistakes that I've made and would have unmade if I could. The pains that have burned me and scared my soul. It was worth it for having been allowed to walked where I've walked, which was to hell on earth, heaven on earth, back again into, under, far in between, through it, in it, and above.

I know. Life is so disappointing. Here you are. You have arrived. You are here. This is your moment. What do you have? You have pain. And when you have everything, what do you have? You have nothing. And when everything is right, everything is wrong. It's disappointing, it's confusing. This is life. What can you do?
Work. You have a gift. Use it. Life? Life will be there later. When you have worked, when you have lived, and you know who you are, life is easier. Work. It's the only answer I know

I should have been a Rock-star, but I can't sing.

Work now. Live later.

Nov 14, 2011

Good morning everyone.

Today it's going to be a great day, I can feel it in my bones!
Later, the german presentation, and I fell confidant (well, kind of. I have my script!--see here)

I woke up with a normal alarm clock sound, but inside I felt a drumming that kept me going. Just see what I mean here. CAN'T HELP IT! This music means so much to me, you couldn't imagine...

Saudade, is a portuguese word. I wouldn't call it a word actually. Its a feeling, a emotion that only the portuguese have. There is no translation in any language. Saudade is completely the opposite os Aspirine (the worldwide word!)
Saudade is what I feel. Saudade is what is fear the most. Saudade makes me stronger. Saudade keeps me going foward.
Photo: Sun setting behind sand dunes

The landscape has a hidden power. Nobody can name it. It's just like Saudade, but in this case, there are no portuguese people that know how to expresses this meaning.

Just wait for me. I'll discover what you are hiding. One day, From Faro to Beijing I will go, and unveil these mysteries that have been following me.
A trip will change everything. I know it.

Wait for it...

It will come...

I will go.

Nov 13, 2011

Writing a Script.

Being in Germany is hard, tough, really rewarding.
Everyday is a challenge. (I've survived one and a half months now!)

What can a Portuguese student do when a presentation is coming, and the student should talk in german?
Well... That's easy. The student should prepare a script. SIMPLE, no?

No... Writing every word you want to say on the presentation is a hard task!
But as I said before, everyday is a challenge. And when you get through that, you get a reward -- experience in the real world!

Keep the good work student ;)

My company:

A Caloira prometeu que um dia há de ser minha,
Quando a festa acabar vai-me levar prá caminha!

Nov 10, 2011

Now I get it.

To do or not to do? I think I got to a answer, or some kind of illumination for this.
Changing my way and choosing a different path. Quit "auto-pilot" and make a risky decision, but the right one (I guess)
Nature, silence, be one, be in tune with our surroundings, and let the rest Pass By.

Most beautiful place on  earth -- Iona Park, Angola.

Someday, I'll be able to show everyone what the real power of landscape and balance is. Something so deep yet so thin and close of all of us. Try to feel what the balance of life brings to you. Don't close your eyes, just see whats in front of you and embrace the beauty within it.

Nov 3, 2011

Need To Go List.


Just beautiful.

Pass by.

The question for that answer.

Sometimes I wish to just pass by. If so, I wouldn't have to think about the those ironic answers to the old same and stupid questions, like why, how, who, when...
The idea of just pass by, burst some anger within me, and makes me wonder where can I find that inner peace.
Spite all the tries, I still don't have this figured out.

Meanwhile, I search for a reason to do such search. The human mind plays tricks, and when you may think you've found an answer, it makes you realize that" 's not so simple" and "keep questing".


Just pass by.

Oct 30, 2011


When I was young, I did every kind of sport. Volleyball, basketball, horse back ridding, i took dance classes, surf, bodyboard, among others.
I loved doing sports, and I used to dream of one day become a professional in something. But that never came true. Actually, I now think that that maybe a non pursuitable dream of these passing days...
To garantee a future you need to have a degree in something. TO have a degree in something, you have to go to school and be good at it. So that was my choice, hang on to school and see where it will guide me.
Of all of those sports I used to practice, there is only one I really regret not taking it seriously, and that would be Sailing.
First lesson in Olhão, on the waters of Ria Formosa the new discovered habitat of the biggest seahorse community. I was 5 or 6 years when my dad drove me and my sister to the Nautical club in Olhão. I remember walking trough those halls of the warehouses where they kept all the boats safe and sound. I even remember the big portrait on one wall will all the knots a sailor should be able to do. I remember little details on some boats I had passed by.
Since I was 5 or 6, and that was my first class, I wasn't able to sail all by myself. So we, the smallest pupils, went with the coach in a zebro. We sailed beside all the other students. I remember him saying to them to turn around and watch their heads for the pole, and things like that.
I had always felt a really strong connection with water. May the water be the sea or a lake. May I be on a boat  or taking deep dives in to it.
On those classes, spite my great attention to the coach, I remember leaning off the zebro to touch the water in movement. It seemed like it was the was that kept us going cutting through the wind, and not the Yamaha motor. And when I finally touched a single drip of water, I felt that connection growing stronger.

Today, water still is a major background on my dreams. One of the most amazing landscapes I had ever seen was the coral reef in Mozambique. All the fishes, starfishes and barracudas!

If I could get away now anywhere and anyhow...

... I would sail around all the oceans and be free.

Oct 23, 2011


What's your favorite color?????

Mine is definitely  ORANGE. No other color is like orange. It makes me feel calm, excited, happy, cautiousness, with ego lift or even   according to my spirit and emotions.

Marienplatz Subway Staion

If I could live in a orange, I would.
Other fun fact, when you cook, try to add something orange. A sauce, carrots, pumpkin etc, your dish will appear... Complete.

Color. Together with music, make a perfect moment.

Oct 21, 2011

Genetische Manipulation

Heute habe ich durch die Farbpalette von Photoshop inspiriert. Dies ist das Endergebnis! Ich mag es. Es ist ruhig und bunt! Ich wuerde gerne einer von denen Maracuja kaufen -- die Sonnenblumenkerne sind so lecker!

Also, es ist die deutsch Post!

Enjoy die Bild! ;)

Oct 18, 2011


To improve my german skills, I'm buying a book.

Today I went to a bookstore, and beside going to the Architecture section (obviously!) I took a peak at the Bestseller and Romances shelves.
Some of them were really interesting, spite all the german words ahah

The point is really to get better understanding and speaking german.
That is when I looked down and saw this:

I think I'll get this one!

I have to go back and decide ;)

by Cedric Price.

A concept developed by Cedric Price «Three Eggs Diagram»

True story.

Oct 16, 2011

Studio work.

Well, I'm gathering some of my best works as a student of LA. The goal is to build a Portfolio.
I already have almost half of it completed, to be honest. But now that I realize that an Online-Portfolio is probably a very good idea, I'm doing both at the same time.

Here are some of the drafts I uploaded.


For the week.

How is it there?
Here it's... Just take a look.

LimpoLimpoLimpoPossibilidade de chuva
Wind: E 10 km/h
Humidity: 66%15°17°18°12°